mkMapper - All Functions and Subroutines

This library implements an object mapper for Rational Robot.
Used internally by the library but not exported
Functions that are exported by the library
Process a screen of an application and generate the map for that screen
Creates a GUI dialog that is used to control the application mapping process.
Loads an application map DOM.
Once a map has been loaded, this function is used to retrieve the recognition string for an object.
Functions that are not exported by the library
Initializes the LogLevelNames array
Returns a date/time stamp for the current time, like the standard ISO 8601 date/time format minus the timezone (CCYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS)
A simple logging funtion to log strings to the global LogFile.
A simple logging funtion to log strings to the console.
This is the callback function used to process the dialog generated by the CreateAppMapDialog function.
This function checks to make sure all the form values have been filled in correctly
Returns the attributes for the given map file
Gets the default map path, which is {SQA_DIR_PROJECT}\testdata\maps.
It happens sometimes that Robot finds a child with a Name property that looks like ‘Name=parentName.childName’.
This helper function for getObjectNameFromRecognition performs the actual search of the recognition string for the elements that will be used to create the object name.
Make sure the friendly object name we’re about to use is unique.
This function will attempt to generate a user-friendly unique name for an object.
This function will create a new dom element (using the node name we supply).
This function will create a new dom element (using the node name we supply).
Stores the objects properties (as returned by SQAGetPropertyNames) into the object node
This function stores the coordinates of the object.
Get’s all the objects details that we want to save and stores them in to objectNode.
This function is at the heart of the mapper.
Uses the Snapshot function defined in the QuickSnap library to take a snapshot of an application given the applications parent window rec string.
Creates a new Map DOM document with the core processing instructions and the map node with the application name.
Open the map file given in the file name parameter and return it as an XMLDomDocument object.
Returns a new empty screen map node for the current screen.
Attempts to save the new map DOM to file on disk.


This library implements an object mapper for Rational Robot.  It produces detailed maps of an applications UI and provides routines for working with object maps in scripts.


The TestFoundry application mapping library provides routines for creating application maps as well as for using the generated maps in scripts.  A seperate application, the Mkulu Map Manager is used to view and manage the actual map files that are created.

The following definitions are used in this documentation

  • application - the application under test (AUT) for which we are creating a map
  • screen - this is a screen or window in the AUT.  An application map consists of one or more screens.
  • object - a windows UI object housed within a screen

The mapping functions (CreateAppMap, CreateAppMapDialog) are used to create or update an application map.  At it’s highest level, an application map consists of one or more screen entities.  Each screen entity is a logical grouping of related objects, each of which has a unique set of properties.  Each object can contain zero or more child objects.  The relationship between the objects in a map exactly duplicates the relationship between the objects in the UI.

Each screen has a version number associated with it.  When a screen in an existing map is mapped again, the screen is stored into the map with a new version number.  The map is always backed up before being written to, so it is possible to use the map manager tool to compare two maps and see what has changed between builds.

Building Maps

There are two ways to build a map; Visually, using CreateAppMapDialog, or programatically, using CreateAppMap.

CreateAppMapDialog provides a simple form that can be used to map an application in real time.  In order to use the visual mapper, the following simple script will suffice.

'$Include "mkMapper.sbh"
'$Include "mkMapper_X.sbh"

Sub Main
Dim Result As Integer

Result = CreateAppMapDialog
End Sub

On running the above script, a dialog will appear that is grouped in to two sections, Map Settings and Screen Settings.  The Map Settings are only changed once, at the begining of the map run.  The Screen Settings are changed for every screen that is mapped.  The settings are as follows.

  • Map Settings
  • Application Name - the name you want to give to the application you will be mapping.  This is used to generate the file name for the map XML file.  If you are updating a map that already exists, it is vitally important that you use the exact same name between mapping sessions.  Map names are case sensitive and may only contain alphanumerics, spaces, underscores and dashes.
  • Output Path - the location in which to store the map files that will be created.  Defaults to {SQA_DIR_PROJECT}\testdata\maps
  • Logging Level - the mapper creates a log file in the same location as the rest of the map files.  Lower log levels produce more detailed log files but at the expense of speed.  The default log level is Warning.
  • Screen Settings
  • Window Caption - in order to map the screen, it is necessary to give the caption of the parent window that contains the screen to be mapped.  The standard Robot rules for window captions apply
  • Screen Name - this is the name we give to the screen we are mapping.  In order to update a screen map, it is necessary to provide the exact same screen name between runs.  Screen names are case sensitive and may only contain alphanumerics, spaces, underscores and dashes.

Once all the fields have been filled in, clickon the Map Screen button to map the screen.  At this point, the mapper dialog becomes disabled.  When the screen has been mapped, the mapper dialog is re-enabled, but the three fields in teh Map Settings portion are now read only.  Change the parameters in the Screen Settings section to map the next screen.  When all the screens have been mapped, click Close Mapper.

The CreateAppMap does the exact same thing as CreateAppMapDialog (in fact CreateAppMapDialog calls CreateAppMap to do all the actual work).  However, it doesn’t provide a UI.  CreateAppMapDialog is ideal for embedding in a navigation script that traverses the application and automatically maps every screen.  A trivial example appears below.

Option Explicit
'$Include "mkMapper.sbh"
'$Include "mkMapper_X.sbh"

Const APPLICATION_NAME = "Windows Calculator"
Const WINDOW_CAPTION = "Calculator"

Sub Main
Dim Result As Integer
Dim screenName As String

' Start Windows calculator
StartApplication "calc"

' Navigate to and map the standard view screen
Window SetContext, "Caption=Calculator", ""
MenuSelect "View->Standard"
screenName = "Standard View"

' Navigate to and map the scientific view screen
Window SetContext, "Caption=Calculator", ""
MenuSelect "View->Scientific"
screenName = "Scientific View"

Window SetContext, "Caption=Calculator", ""
Window CloseWin, "", ""

End Sub

Using Maps

Once a map has been created, the LoadMap and GetRecFromMap functions can be used to work with the map in a script or library.  Loadmap is used to load a map into memory.  Once a map has been loaded, GetRecFromMap can be used to retrieve the recognition string for an object.  Note, only one map can be loaded at a time

You can pass either the exact location of the map XML file or the name of the mapped application in to the LoadMap routine.  GetRecFromMap takes two arguments; the name of the screen that hosts the object we’re interested in, and the name of the object we want.  This name is the friendly name for the object.  When the map is created, each object is provided with a unique name to identify it.  You can view and even change these names using the map manager.  Note that the screen and object names passed in to GetRecFromMap are case sensistive.

Here’s a simple example, using the application map created in the CreateAppMap example above.

'$Include "mkMapper.sbh"
'$Include "mkMapper_X.sbh"

Sub Main
Dim Result As Integer
Dim rec As String
Dim calcResult As Variant

On Error GoTo HandleError

LoadMap "Windows Calculator"

StartApplication "calc"

Window SetContext, "Caption=Calculator", ""
MenuSelect "View->Standard"
PushButton Click, GetRecFromMap("Standard View", "PushButton8")
PushButton Click, GetRecFromMap("Standard View", "PushButton2")
PushButton Click, GetRecFromMap("Standard View", "PushButton+")
PushButton Click, GetRecFromMap("Standard View", "PushButton3")
PushButton Click, GetRecFromMap("Standard View", "PushButton6")
PushButton Click, GetRecFromMap("Standard View", "PushButton=")

result = SQAGetProperty(GetRecFromMap("Standard View", "EditBox1"),"Text",calcResult)

if result <> SQASuccess then
SQAConsoleWrite "result is " & result
Exit Sub
end if

SQACOnsoleWrite ""
SQAConsoleWrite "calcResult = " & CStr(calcResult)
Exit Sub

SQAConsolewrite "Error " & CStr(Err) & " @line " & Cstr(Erl)
End Sub


This module has the following dependencies

  • Microsoft XML (msxml) 4.0 (Note on this - using node.nodeValue to set the value of a text node results in a spectacular crash, so use node.Text instead)
  • Microsoft VBScript library (5.0)
  • Microsoft Scripting.Dictionary object
  • The Mkulu mkQuickSnap screenshot dll
  • Rational’s SQAUtil Robot library


Copyright (C) 2005 Chad Ullman

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA

Constants and Globals

Used internally by the library but not exported


File scope variables

Used internally by the library but not exported

WindowOffsetXthe X offset of the main window from the windows desktop
WindowOffsetYthe Y offset of the main window from the windows desktop
LogFilehandle to the global log file, opened in CreateAppMap and used by logEntry
RegExglobal VB RegExp object used for all our regular expressions
MapFileExistsdoes the map file already exist?  Set in openMapFile and used in saveMapFile to determine if we have to create a back up
AtParentLevelused by getObjectCoordinates to determine if we need to save the values for WindowOffsetX and WindowOffsetY
MapDomDocthe XMLDomDocument that represents our map.  Needed to create any new XML elements for our map or to retrieve any elements from the map
LoggingLevelthe level to log at, defaults to LOG_WARN
LogLevelNamesan array of strings holding the friendly names for the logging levels
ScreenVersionholds the version of the screen node we’re creating
DlgApplicationNameholds the application name from the mapper dialog
DlgScreenNameholds the screen name from the mapper dialog
DlgWindowCaptionholds the window caption from the mapper dialog
DlgOutputPathholds the file output path from the mapper dialog
DlgLogLevelholds the log level from the mapper dialog
DlgRunOKOncetracks if we’ve succesfully executed the mapper dialog once
AllObjectNamesassociative array of all object names, used to ensure no two objects have the same friendly name in a screen

Public Functions

Functions that are exported by the library

Process a screen of an application and generate the map for that screen
Creates a GUI dialog that is used to control the application mapping process.
Loads an application map DOM.
Once a map has been loaded, this function is used to retrieve the recognition string for an object.



function CreateAppMap (applicationName As String,
screenName As String,
windowCaption As String,
Optional logLevel As Variant,
Optional outputPath As Variant) As Integer

Process a screen of an application and generate the map for that screen


  • applicationName - The name of the application we are mapping, may only contain
alphanumerics, spaces,and _
  • screenName - the name to use for this application screen, may only contain
alphanumerics, spaces,and _
  • windowCaption - the caption of the window that hosts the screen we are mapping
  • outputPath - (optional) where to store the files generated by the mapper.
  • logLevel - (optional) the level to log at, defaults to LOG_WARN


Integer; sqaSuccess on success, >0 on failure


Function CreateAppMapDialog As Integer

Creates a GUI dialog that is used to control the application mapping process.  Using this dialog, the user can navigate through the application and map multiple screens visually.


  • none


Integer; sqaSuccess on success, >0 on failure

See Also



Sub LoadMap (map As String,
Optional logLevel As Variant)

Loads an application map DOM.  Once the map has been loaded, you can use GetRecFromMap to retrieve the recognition for an object.

You can specify the exact location of the map file in the map parameter, or you can use the application name that was used when generating the map, in which case the routine will automatically look for the map file in the default map file location.


  • map - either the location of the map file (including the .xml extension) or the name of the application that was mapped
  • logLevel - Optional; If not set, defaults to LOG_WARN


  • MAP_ERR_FAILED_TO_LOAD_COM_OBJECT - Unable to load COM object into app
  • MAP_ERR_MAP_FILE_NOT_FOUND - The map file given couldn’t be found
  • MAP_ERR_FAILED_TO_LOAD_MAP_FILE - The map file couldn’t be loaded in to the MSXML DOM object


Function GetRecFromMap(screenName As String,
objectName As String) As String

Once a map has been loaded, this function is used to retrieve the recognition string for an object.  The recognition string is retrieved by using the screen and object names to generate an XPath expression that is applied to the map DOM.

The function requires that the map DOM has been loaded using the LoadMap routine before you attempt to call it.


  • screenName - the name we’ve assigned to the screen containing the object whose recognition string we’re trying to retrieve
  • objectName - the name assigned to the object whose recognition string we’re trying to retrieve Returns: String; the short recognition string for the object (i.e. no parent info)


  • MAP_ERR_DOM_NOT_LOADED - The map DOM hasn’t been loaded yet
  • MAP_ERR_CANT_GET_NODE - We’re unable to retrieve the recognition string for the given screen and object

Private Functions

Functions that are not exported by the library

Initializes the LogLevelNames array
Returns a date/time stamp for the current time, like the standard ISO 8601 date/time format minus the timezone (CCYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS)
A simple logging funtion to log strings to the global LogFile.
A simple logging funtion to log strings to the console.
This is the callback function used to process the dialog generated by the CreateAppMapDialog function.
This function checks to make sure all the form values have been filled in correctly
Returns the attributes for the given map file
Gets the default map path, which is {SQA_DIR_PROJECT}\testdata\maps.
It happens sometimes that Robot finds a child with a Name property that looks like ‘Name=parentName.childName’.
This helper function for getObjectNameFromRecognition performs the actual search of the recognition string for the elements that will be used to create the object name.
Make sure the friendly object name we’re about to use is unique.
This function will attempt to generate a user-friendly unique name for an object.
This function will create a new dom element (using the node name we supply).
This function will create a new dom element (using the node name we supply).
Stores the objects properties (as returned by SQAGetPropertyNames) into the object node
This function stores the coordinates of the object.
Get’s all the objects details that we want to save and stores them in to objectNode.
This function is at the heart of the mapper.
Uses the Snapshot function defined in the QuickSnap library to take a snapshot of an application given the applications parent window rec string.
Creates a new Map DOM document with the core processing instructions and the map node with the application name.
Open the map file given in the file name parameter and return it as an XMLDomDocument object.
Returns a new empty screen map node for the current screen.
Attempts to save the new map DOM to file on disk.



Sub initLogLevelNames

Initializes the LogLevelNames array


  • none


Function getDateStamp As String

Returns a date/time stamp for the current time, like the standard ISO 8601 date/time format minus the timezone (CCYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS)




String; a date/time stamp


Sub logEntry (logLevel As Integer,
entry As String)

A simple logging funtion to log strings to the global LogFile.  Checks each log entrie’s logging level against the LoggingLevel global and if it’s less then or equal to it logs the message.  Use the global LogLevelNames array to add the log level to the log message


  • logLevel - the requested level for this entry
  • entry - string to add to the file


Sub logToConsole (logLevel As Integer,
entry As String)

A simple logging funtion to log strings to the console.  Checks each log entry’s logging level against the LoggingLevel global and if it’s less then or equal to it logs the message.  Use the global LogLevelNames array to add the log level to the log message


  • logLevel - the requested level for this entry
  • entry - string to add to the file


Function processMapDialog (objectID As String,
action As Integer,
extraInfo As Long) As Integer

This is the callback function used to process the dialog generated by the CreateAppMapDialog function.


  • objectID - a string containing the name of the control triggering the event
  • action - the type of event that has occured
  • extraInfo - see the table below for details on interpreting this field


Integer; We always return 0

This table details how to interpret the value of extraInfo depending on the type of the control registering the event

|Control | Meaning |
|List box | Number of the item selected, 0-based. |
|Check box | 1 -> selected |
| | 0 ->cleared |
| | -1 -> grayed |
|Option button| Number of the option button in the option group, 0-based |
|Text box | Number of characters in the text box |
|Combo box | If action is 2, the number of the item selected (0-based) |
| | If action is 3, the number of characters in its text box |
|OK button | Always returns 1 |
|Cancel | Always returns 2 |


Function checkDialogInput As String

This function checks to make sure all the form values have been filled in correctly


  • none


String; If everything’s OK, the string will be empty, otherwise it contains info on what went wrong.


Function getMapFileAttributes (mapFile As String) As Integer

Returns the attributes for the given map file


  • mapFile - the path to the map file to check


Integer; -1 if the file could not be found, else the attributes value as returned by the GetAttr function


Function getDefaultMapPath As String

Gets the default map path, which is {SQA_DIR_PROJECT}\testdata\maps.  As a side effect, if the default map path doesn’t exist, creates it.

This function uses the fact that the MkDir function returns a trappable exception if the directory it’s trying to create already exists.


  • None


String; the default map path


Raises an exception if the default map path doesn’t exist and can’t be created or if we can’t get the default project path


Function stripParentFromChildInName(recStr As String) As String

It happens sometimes that Robot finds a child with a Name property that looks like ‘Name=parentName.childName’.  For some reason, Robot chokes when trying to actually use this returned recognition string.  This function looks for any instances of this pattern in the recognition string and strips out the parent portion of the name.

Uses the global RegEx object to do the actual replacement.


  • recStr - the recognition string to check


String; the cleaned recognition string


Function searchRecognitionForName (recStr As String,
elementRE As String) As String

This helper function for getObjectNameFromRecognition performs the actual search of the recognition string for the elements that will be used to create the object name.

We strip off any parent info and only concern ourselves with the last child in the recognition string hierarchy

The algorithm used in this function is based on the fildChildRefElement function by Carl Nagle, found in the RRAFS ProcessContainer library.


  • recStr - the recognition string to search
  • elementRE - an expresion for the elements in the recognition string to search for


String; A name for the object if it could be found given the element search expression provided, or an empty string if it couldn’t


Function ensureUniqueObjectName (objectName As String) As String

Make sure the friendly object name we’re about to use is unique.  If it’s not, make it unique by adding a suffix.  We use the global AllObjectNames dictionary to test for uniqueness


  • objectName - the name of the object we got from the recognition string


String; The unique name for the object

See Also



Function getObjectNameFromRecognition(recStr As String) As String

This function will attempt to generate a user-friendly unique name for an object.  It applie a series of patten matches against the recognition string for the object until it gets what seems to be a workable name.  Then, it checks to see that the name has not already been used in this screen.  If it has, it will append a number to the name to generate a unique name.

The algorithms used to determine the object name are based on the GetDefaultChildReference function by Carl Nagle, found in the RRAFS ProcessContainer library.

Once we’ve got the object name we send it through ensureUniqueObjectName to make sure no two objects in this screen have the same name


  • recStr - the recognition string for the object


String; The name for the object defined by recStr


Function storeCDATAIntoNode (nodeName As String,
CDATA As String) As Object

This function will create a new dom element (using the node name we supply).  It then creates a new CDATA element which it stores in to the newly created node.


  • nodeName - the name to give the new container node
  • CDATA - the text to store in to the CDATA node


Object; the new node if created succesfully or Nothing on failure


Function storeTextIntoNode (nodeName As String,
data As String) As Object

This function will create a new dom element (using the node name we supply).  It then saves the text into the element.  If the text is going to contain any potentially illegal characters, use the storeCDATAIntoNode function instead


  • nodeName - the name to give the new container node
  • data - the text to store in to the node


Object; the new node if created succesfully or Nothing on failure


Function storeObjectProperties (recStr As String,
objectNode As Object) As Integer

Stores the objects properties (as returned by SQAGetPropertyNames) into the object node


  • recStr - the recognition string for our object
  • objectNode - the XML DOM node to store the properties into


Integer; sqaSuccess if OK, >0 on failure


Function getObjectCoordinates(recStr As String) As Object

This function stores the coordinates of the object.  It stores the co-ordinates relative to the parent window.  This means that we have to modify the results we get from Robot’s ScreenRect property, which are relative to the windows desktop.

We do this by capturing the window offsets.  We know we’re dealing with the parent window because this is the only time that AtParentLevel is 1.


  • recStr - the recognition string for the object we’re interested in


Object; either a new coordinates node or Nothing on failure


Function getObjectDetails(recStr As String,
objectNode As Object) As Integer

Get’s all the objects details that we want to save and stores them in to objectNode.  First it get’s all the special object properties that Robot provides.  Then, it calls the getObjectCoordinates and <getObjectProperties> functions to get the rest of the object properties and store them in to the object node.


  • recStr - the recognition string for our current object
  • objectNode - the map DOM node to store the properties into


Integer; sqaSuccess on pass, >0 on fail


Function processObject (recStr as String,
parentNode As Object) As Integer

This function is at the heart of the mapper.  Starting at the parent container object, it will recursively process every object and add the details to the map.  After getting the object details, it always sets the global AtParentLevel to false.


  • recStr - the recognition string for the object we’re currently analyzing
  • parentNode - the DOM node parent of the object node we’re creating


Integer; sqaSuccess if everything’s OK, >0 on failure


Function takeSnapshot (recStr As String,
screenShotPath As String) As Integer

Uses the Snapshot function defined in the QuickSnap library to take a snapshot of an application given the applications parent window rec string.  Stores the screenshot as a bitmap


  • recStr - the recognition string for the screen’s parent window
  • screenShotPath - full path and name of the screenshot file to create, minus the .bmp extension


Integer; sqaSuccess if alls well, else something else on failure


function createNewMapFile (applicationName As String) As Object

Creates a new Map DOM document with the core processing instructions and the map node with the application name.  The basic XML structure is

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<map applicationName="appname">


  • applicationName - the name of the application to be stored in to the map object’s applicationName attribute


object; A new XMLDomDocument with the XML structure noted above


function openMapFile (mapFilePath As String,
applicationName As String) As Object

Open the map file given in the file name parameter and return it as an XMLDomDocument object.  If the file doesn’t exist, create new DOM document and return that instead


  • mapFilePath - path to the XML map file
  • applicationName - the name of the application which will be used if we need to create a new map file


object; An XMLDomDocument


function getScreenNode (screenName As String) As Object

Returns a new empty screen map node for the current screen.  It checks the current map to see if the screen already exists.  It it does, it will get the current version number for that screen.  Then it deletes the node from the DOM and creates a new empty screen node with the incremented version number.

If the screen node dosen’t exist, it will set the version of the newly created node to 1

The function takes care of adding the new screen node to the map DOM for you.

Even though XML is case sensisitive, this funcion is not when determining if a screen node matches with the screenName parameter.

As a side effect, this function sets the global ScreenVersion

The XML for a screen is

<screen modified="YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS-/+HH:MM" name="NAME" version="?">


  • mapDomDoc - the entire map dom document
  • screenName - the name of the screen node we want to get


Object; a new DomElement node for the screen


function saveMapFile (mapFilePath As String) As Integer

Attempts to save the new map DOM to file on disk.  If the MapFileExists flag is set, it will first try to rename the existing file to fileName-yyymmdd_hhmmss.xml.  Then it will save the new file to disk.


There is an explicit assumption here that the file name passed in is going to work, which should be OK because in theory it’s already been checked by openMapFile.  If the file path is bad, the call to will cause Robot to crash most spectaculary, likely taking Windows explorer with it.


  • mapDomDoc - the XML DOM object that contains the map
  • mapFilePath - the path to the map file to save, which should be the same as the path passed in to openMapFile


Integer; 1 if the map file could be saved, 0 if there was a problem

function CreateAppMap (applicationName As String,
screenName As String,
windowCaption As String,
Optional logLevel As Variant,
Optional outputPath As Variant) As Integer
Process a screen of an application and generate the map for that screen
Function CreateAppMapDialog As Integer
Creates a GUI dialog that is used to control the application mapping process.
Sub LoadMap (map As String,
Optional logLevel As Variant)
Loads an application map DOM.
Function GetRecFromMap(screenName As String,
objectName As String) As String
Once a map has been loaded, this function is used to retrieve the recognition string for an object.
Sub initLogLevelNames
Initializes the LogLevelNames array
Function getDateStamp As String
Returns a date/time stamp for the current time, like the standard ISO 8601 date/time format minus the timezone (CCYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS)
Sub logEntry (logLevel As Integer,
entry As String)
A simple logging funtion to log strings to the global LogFile.
Sub logToConsole (logLevel As Integer,
entry As String)
A simple logging funtion to log strings to the console.
Function processMapDialog (objectID As String,
action As Integer,
extraInfo As Long) As Integer
This is the callback function used to process the dialog generated by the CreateAppMapDialog function.
Function checkDialogInput As String
This function checks to make sure all the form values have been filled in correctly
Function getMapFileAttributes (mapFile As String) As Integer
Returns the attributes for the given map file
Function getDefaultMapPath As String
Gets the default map path, which is {SQA_DIR_PROJECT}\testdata\maps.
Function stripParentFromChildInName(recStr As String) As String
It happens sometimes that Robot finds a child with a Name property that looks like ‘Name=parentName.childName’.
Function searchRecognitionForName (recStr As String,
elementRE As String) As String
This helper function for getObjectNameFromRecognition performs the actual search of the recognition string for the elements that will be used to create the object name.
Function getObjectNameFromRecognition(recStr As String) As String
This function will attempt to generate a user-friendly unique name for an object.
Function ensureUniqueObjectName (objectName As String) As String
Make sure the friendly object name we’re about to use is unique.
Function storeCDATAIntoNode (nodeName As String,
CDATA As String) As Object
This function will create a new dom element (using the node name we supply).
Function storeTextIntoNode (nodeName As String,
data As String) As Object
This function will create a new dom element (using the node name we supply).
Function storeObjectProperties (recStr As String,
objectNode As Object) As Integer
Stores the objects properties (as returned by SQAGetPropertyNames) into the object node
Function getObjectCoordinates(recStr As String) As Object
This function stores the coordinates of the object.
Function getObjectDetails(recStr As String,
objectNode As Object) As Integer
Get’s all the objects details that we want to save and stores them in to objectNode.
Function processObject (recStr as String,
parentNode As Object) As Integer
This function is at the heart of the mapper.
Function takeSnapshot (recStr As String,
screenShotPath As String) As Integer
Uses the Snapshot function defined in the QuickSnap library to take a snapshot of an application given the applications parent window rec string.
function createNewMapFile (applicationName As String) As Object
Creates a new Map DOM document with the core processing instructions and the map node with the application name.
function openMapFile (mapFilePath As String,
applicationName As String) As Object
Open the map file given in the file name parameter and return it as an XMLDomDocument object.
function getScreenNode (screenName As String) As Object
Returns a new empty screen map node for the current screen.
function saveMapFile (mapFilePath As String) As Integer
Attempts to save the new map DOM to file on disk.